What Heel Pain Means for Your Child

Growing and active kids may experience heel pain. As a parent, it can be difficult to know what’s cause for concern and what’s normal. Heel pain can be the result of trauma and indicate a fracture or tendon damage. It could also be Sever’s Disease, a temporary inflammation of the heel bone. 

At the back of the heel is a growth plate, called the physis. Between the ages of 11 and 15, the growth rate of this plate accelerates. Active kids who put stress and pressure on this growth plate may experience inflammation as the area protects the still-growing bone.

The main symptom of Sever’s Disease is pain in the back or bottom of the heel when walking, running, standing, or playing sports. There is usually no visible swelling or redness. If left untreated, the pain can become rather severe and inhibit your child’s sports performance or even their normal walking gait.

The good news is, there are no long term consequences related to Sever’s Disease. With proper diagnosis and treatment, your child can be pain-free and back to their activities in no time.

Your child’s FAAWC podiatrist will perform a physical examination and ask general health history and lifestyle questions. They may also take X-rays or use additional diagnostic tools to help rule out other serious issues. 

Once a diagnosis of Sever’s Disease is confirmed, your child’s podiatrist will recommend a combination of at-home care (RICE), orthotics, casting, physical therapy, and stretching.

While Sever’s Disease is only temporary, it still needs to be diagnosed and cared for properly. You can improve your child’s overall wellbeing and get rid of their heel pain today by making an appointment with the FAAWC. Call us to schedule 740.363.4373

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