Custom Orthotics for Sandals & Summer Footwear
Ready for sandal weather? Sandals and summer go together like peanut butter and jelly, but too many sandals don’t offer the correct support or protection, leaving you achy and leading to other issues. Don’t fret! There’s still a way to get the support you need in the summer shoes you love.
Is Wearing Sandals Bad for Me?
Here’s how wearing the wrong summer footwear, including flip-flops and some sandals, can lead to major foot and ankle issues…
- Lack of Arch Support—When your foot is not properly supported, it can lead or contribute to plantar fasciitis, fallen arches, and even ankle, knee, hip, and back pain.
- Open Toes—Stubbed or stepped on toes are common when wearing open-toed shoes and can result in fractures and unsightly bruising. There is also the potential for cuts and abrasions or even sunburn.
- Wrong Materials—If you’re going to be wearing your sandals around water, don’t choose leather, suede, canvas, or other materials that absorb water or are damaged by it.
- Wrong Size—A proper fit means your entire foot is resting on the footbed, your heel is not hanging off the back, and your smallest toe is not falling off the side. Make sure any straps are comfortable and won’t rub to form blisters.
How To Make Sandals Better for My Feet
While many summer footwear choices aren’t perfect for your foot and ankle health, you can make them better with JM Prefabs from the FAAWC! If you wear orthotics or need support in a pair of summer shoes, we can get you the right set of prefabs to fit.
What Are Prefabs?
Prefabs is the term given to a prefabricated orthotic. This means the orthotic comes ready-made and is either designed to automatically work with your foot or will be heat molded for an even better fit. This is opposed to prescription orthotics which are custom-molded for each individual and then manufactured after the mold is submitted.
Advantages of Prefabs
The best things about JM’s include their durability, size, and how lightweight they feel. Their rigidity means they can support a 450lb patient without becoming flattened or depressed. Some models come with a slight metatarsal (just behind the toes) pad for extra underfoot comfort. They are also guaranteed for life! (Seriously, just ask us about the dog who used them as a chew toy…)
Prefabs for Sandals
The FAAWC offers three different prefabs that can be used with summer footwear. All three may be worn in typical athletic and casual shoes with at least a 1 1/4″ drop. We offer adhesive velcro so prefabs can adhere to sandals or dress heels. For higher heeled shoes, we heat mold the device within the shoes.
Why Else Are Prefabs Great?
Prefabs are designed to be lightweight and small, so they can be used with the widest variety of shoes available. That’s why buying multiple pairs of molded prefabs gets you big discounts! Here’s the special pricing offered by the FAAWC:
- Regular or Narrow, Heat-Molded JM Prefabs
- First Pair $100
- First Pair for Patients with Custom Orthotics $75
- Second Pair $75
- Third or Future Pairs $37.50
- Soft, Non-Molded JM Prefabs
- All Pairs $100
Already Have Prefabs?
Let’s get those puppies remolded! Over time, your feet will slightly change in shape and size. It’s important that your prefabs be remolded every year to ensure they still fit your foot and shoes perfectly.
Prefabs = Ready for Summer
If you’re ready to get out your summer sandal collection, but worry about how summer shoes affect your feet and ankles, then you need to get JM Prefabs from the FAAWC. Ask your provider about getting molded today!
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