Achilles Surgery: Is It Right For You?
If you’ve learned anything this month, hopefully you’ve learned how vital your Achilles tendon is to your daily foot and ankle functioning. If you have experienced acute or chronic pain in your Achilles tendon and calf muscle, you require treatment.
Conservative treatments for Achilles-related injuries include rest, bracing, heel lifts, calf stretching, physical therapy, immobilization, and steroid shots. However, some Achilles issues require a surgical solution.
If your Achilles tendon has ruptured, a surgical solution can reattach the ends of the tendon and allow healing to progress. If you experience chronic insertional pain or have a heel spur that is not improving and causing issues for your Achilles, a surgical solution may be necessary. Surgery can also be used to lengthen calf muscles, which can greatly affect your Achilles tendon health.
Surgery for Achilles tendon issues is quite common. In fact, it is one of the MOST common foot and ankle injuries. The surgery necessary will depend on the cause of your issues. For bone spurs, the tendon is detached, the spur is removed, the tendon is cleaned up, and then the Achilles is reattached. During a lengthening procedure, the tendon is released from either the heel or high up in the calf muscle and then lengthened and reattached.
Patients will need to remain non-weight bearing for six to eight weeks and then walk with a boot or brace. Physical therapy to strengthen the Achilles and calf may continue for two to three months after your surgical procedure. Regular physical exercise can be resumed within four to six months.
If you are living with an Achilles tendon issue, heel spurs, or tight calf muscles, a surgical solution may be the answer you are looking for. Call the FAAWC today to schedule your appointment. 740.363.4373.
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